Listen, let’s make an important distinction Many kinds of movement training distinguish themselves by the kinds of exercises that constitute their programs. One might focus on strength, another on flexibility; yet another might claim to improve both. Teachers of Feldenkrais
Lodestones of Sensation: Feldenkrais in the Yoga Classroom
(Lodestones of Sensation: Feldenkrais ® in the Yoga Classroom was originally published in May, 2012. I offer it here as part of a series of favorites pieces I am updating for my new website. For another article on Feldenkrais in
From Pain to Pleasure: Finding Freedom Through Neutral

An Invitation to Pleasure “Move toward pleasure,” a dance teacher once offered us young dancers. It was a novel instruction and the results were stunning. I felt a patience and kindness toward myself I had never felt before, and movement
Constructive Disobedience: Feldenkrais in the Yoga Classroom
(Constructive Disobedience: Feldenkrais ® in the Yoga Classroom was originally published in May 2012. I offer it here as part of a series of favorites pieces I am updating for my new website. For another article on Feldenkrais in the
Self Image | Body Image
“The behavior of human beings is firmly based on the self-image they have made for themselves. Accordingly, if one wishes to change one’s behavior, it will be necessary to change this image. What is a self-image? I would argue that