What is an in-town gentle movement retreat?

Half-day gentle movement retreats are in-person gatherings for a small group of participants in the Seattle area.

ATTUNING—the Sunday, June 2 Retreat

During this summer retreat we’ll combine some outdoor time with our gentle movement practice indoors. We will tune our senses to the forms and movements present in our natural world—including the beautiful Dharma Gate garden—and allow our movement and creative imagination to respond simply. Our time together will include a Feldenkrais® Awareness Through Movement® lesson, some meditative observation practices, and guided creative exploration in movement and writing.

The Dharma Gate garden in summer.

Why Come to a Gentle Movement Retreat?

Come for some solitary time, or share introspective time with new and familiar friends. We’ll share the nourishment that movement, awareness, and the process of self-discovery provide.

Dharma Gate Meditation Space


ATTUNING—the Sunday, June 2 Retreat
Sunday, June


Dharma Gate
1910 24th Avenue South
Seattle, WA 98144**Masks are optional for these retreats.

Questions? Contact me!

An In-Town Gentle Movement Retreat at Dharma Gate
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