Has it ever happened to you that, after Feldenkrais class, problems you were chewing on seem more solvable? You have fresh inspiration about a creative project? Or maybe you gain new insight about your technique? There’s something about slowing down
Awareness Through Movement : Feldenkrais Classes for 2025
Why Awareness Through Movement? “When you know what you’re doing, you can choose to do something else,” Moshe Feldenkrais famously said many times and in many ways. We develop patterns during our lifetime that define our movements from the smallest
Listening as Sensing: How Awareness Through Movement is Different from Exercise
Listen, let’s make an important distinction Many kinds of movement training distinguish themselves by the kinds of exercises that constitute their programs. One might focus on strength, another on flexibility; yet another might claim to improve both. Teachers of Feldenkrais
Lodestones of Sensation: Feldenkrais in the Yoga Classroom
(Lodestones of Sensation: Feldenkrais ® in the Yoga Classroom was originally published in May, 2012. I offer it here as part of a series of favorites pieces I am updating for my new website. For another article on Feldenkrais in
From Pain to Pleasure: Finding Freedom Through Neutral

An Invitation to Pleasure “Move toward pleasure,” a dance teacher once offered us young dancers. It was a novel instruction and the results were stunning. I felt a patience and kindness toward myself I had never felt before, and movement
“Think caterpillar into moth . . .”
” . . . An organism to maintain itself must constantly transform itself into other than it was and into what it will be. In Awareness Through Movement, we are fusing our felt sense of the world with that which
Creative Consultation and Support for Body-Oriented Practitioners
Why do we need Creative Consultation and Support? Sometimes our clients confuse or challenge us, and leave us not knowing how to respond in the most growth-producing way. As body-oriented practitioners, we know that our relationships with our clients are
DIY Gratitude Wheel
You do not need to have experience or “talent” in art to have a satisfying creative process. Remember, no one is looking over your shoulder. The process of making a gratitude wheel is for your pleasure, and yours alone. At
Starting 2021 with Gratitude and Forgiveness
I’m not much of a resolution-maker. The beginning of a new year causes me to reflect inwardly and gaze forward, but I avoid lists that will only narrow my focus. I want to go into 2021, especially, with eyes—and heart—wide
Grounded Dreamers in Action
I’m an aggregator. My curiosity about the world drives me to pull together threads and try to make relational sense of them. Another word would be integrator—yes the pun is intended. (Follow the link to see how our private sessions