Move Better, Feel Better

Pole dancing. Not what you were expecting me to write about, I imagine, but it is one of the talks in this year’s free, online Feldenkrais Summit, where I’ll be a panelist
In this virtual (online) summit, we will learn how approaches such as the Feldenkrais Method®, Body-Mind Centering®, Anat Baniel Method®, Anatomy® Trains, Embodied Life™ and Gyrotonics® interface with fitness, physical challenges, spirituality, pleasure, emotions, and more.

I’ll be a panelist during Day 4—the “Fitness” day (!!)—discussing Feldenkrais, Pole Dancing, Crossfit & Gyrotonics. I have attended events at past years’ Summits, and found the quality of conversation to be very high. When I was asked to appear, I jumped at the opportunity.

Click on this link to read all the details

All conference sessions are free for the first 48 hours following each session.

Feldenkrais Summit 2020 with Sheri Cohen

While it is free, there will be an option to upgrade for an All Access Pass if you want to listen at your leisure in the weeks or months to come. If you do upgrade, I may receive a portion of that sale—just so you know! Click here to find out more. I hope you’ll join us!

Warm greetings, Sheri

ps: Wondering if you can join my online class series mid-stream? The answer is YES! Remember, they are “pay-what-you-can”. 

Feldenkrais Summit 2020
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